[NTLK] Newton 2100 Loudspeaker quality?

From: Chris Searles (csearles_at_netcologne.de)
Date: Tue Dec 25 2001 - 16:10:46 EST

Since I've never been able to try one out I'll have to ask you guys on
the list:

What's the built-in loudspeaker of the Newton 2100 like sound-wise, i.e.
how audible is it and at what range? The reason I'm asking is I was
wondering if I could use it to tape short role plays of my English
students and then play them back so that the whole class could hear them
(6-8 students). Right now I lug my trusty Newton 130 and a separate Sony
dictation device around with me for this purpose and was wondering how
feasible it would be to have the dictation device included in the Newton.
(Or would you recommend getting the audio line-out jack I saw mentioned
somewhere on this list and hooking up the Newton to an external source,
such as the tape player with line-in we use in the classroom.)

Chris Searles

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