> Shame you use gently used 20 mb cards.
Well, most people so far were quite happy I did. They found it quite helpful to have the additional
storage space after they were all set.
> I have 8 mb cards in spades that you could SEND people. :)
If you really want to get rid of them, I'd gladly take them. This would allow us to offer the card
lending service for just the cost of postage and PayPal fee to people who do not want that much
additional storage space. I'm sure that most people would prefer a free 8MB card to a EUR 15.00 20MB
The question is if it wouldn't be a good idea if you took over the card lending service on your side
of the Atlantic. Since people are asking for this every one or two months at most, there isn't that
much work involved. And (assuming you do not live in Europe) shipping would probably be cheaper for
most people.
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Received on Fri Jul 17 18:38:12 2009
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