> I may have said he was gouging, but I
>was a bit worked up due to all the mild flaming in my direction. I don't =
know Paul, and I don't know anything he's done for the community.
You 'did' say 'gouging'.
Paul has helped many Newton users without charge. If you looked at the =
archives you would understand better what this community has been thru.
>What it just seems like to me, is that if Paul's been so valuable to =
people as I've been hearing, why haven't more people who could, donated to =
Again, read the archives for info. you don't know, since this list started =
long before you got here.
>The community should try and support each other in ways other than simply
>accepting high prices for things developed by members.
No, you should not get a 'free ride'.
>There are better ways to show support than ways that lock out people with =
less money.
No, you should not get a 'free ride'.
>Hell, if I hadn't already given away a K6-450 with 96M in it this year,
>and Paul were in the UK, I'd have considered boxing it up and sending it
>off, had I any knowledge of what he contributed. (I might be poor and
>unemployed, but somehow I manage to collect computer parts and systems)
There's your 'business', resell stuff. But you quickly learn in your own =
business that customers have to pay your price not what they want to pay.
>I'm not going to reply to the last thread anymore, so I'd appreciate if =
the flames died down. I spoke my piece, I gave my figures, its up to Paul =
and the rest of you to decide what to do with them.
There you go again, jerking Paul and future customers to pressure a =
developer to give you a 'cheap price'. As soon as you stop trying to jerk =
people the flaming will lessen.
Be respectful and stop trying to turn others against Paul('the rest of you =
decide'-were you a used carsalesman? with lines like those...)
!ooW %-)
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!
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