Re: [NTLK] [ANN] ATA Support 1.0b13

From: Woo Lee (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 08:30:16 EDT

>I said two lines, simply saying "Ow, that's expensive" and got jumped
>on. What's going on, fanaticism or discussion?

You said more than 'two lines'.
>I think Paul would make more money at $20-25 than he would at $50, and
>here's why:

You forget, he has less than 2000 customers, if he had a million customers =
he would also have to hire/train/salarized tech support people, =
costs(short and long term) are still going up.
>This might be acceptable to some people. If you have $130 kicking around.

That's what, 20 movie tickets?...26 six-packs?...4 visits to an amusement =
park?...what's your priority?
>Now, if you're trying to work within any sort of a budget (like many =
students), you need to look at what the lowest possible break even point =

Paul is a college student, so am I. Not everything has the same =
value(like what kind of car do you drive?).
>That makes the driver useful to a whole new range of user.

How many users?
>Me, I'm a low-middle range user. I'll probably just use one 32M card for =
the entire time I have my Newton. In the future, who knows? Maybe more =
storage would be nice. But I think as its priced now, Paul's cutting off =
the usefulness
>to a large number of users that he could very well be serving, and making =
more money on the product in the first place. It doesn't look like good =
business when you do the numbers.

Your 'numbers' are selfish and unrealistic. Maybe I should charge for all =
the sound pkgs. I upload to
>It doesn't come across as altruistic, and if that's your intention, Paul, =
you might want to look at these numbers too. I think a $25/50 price range =
would get a lot more money in the long and short term, and also come =
across as a nicer thing to do for Newton owners. Do the math.

After all the freeware Paul has released, you still think you have the =
right to dictate to a third-party developer?
Did you learn anything besides 2-dimensional math in school?'s a =
3-dimensional world. It doesn't revolve around your needs or numbers.
>Don't blame me for pointing out that in a business sense, this pricing =
doesn't make any fiscal sense.

You should run your own business before telling others how to run theirs, =
because you make 'no' fiscal sense except for a kid's budget(which is =
wayyy different than a business one).
>If you're all willing to overpay, just
>send him donations instead and maybe help encourage him to lower the =
price for people who can't.

Like I said 'everything for nothing', now I add 'as long as some sucker =
pays for me'.
-BTW, Paul requested 'no special favors' for this ATA driver(check the =
-BTW, I donate to and buy the CD's. If you have to ask 'why pay =
for unna cds?', then you haven't learned a thing.
>now, I just find myself jaded. Not jealous, but jaded. Because I felt
>like a really good chance for the community to come together has turned

Now I know for sure you're a 'jerk'. Jerking developers and making a =
public display to dismay future customers.
-'like a really good chance to come together'???...just because 'YOU' =
can't get a 'cheap' price, this community has always been 'together' even =
before the ATA annoucement, the support here is better than most, and yes =
we defend those that improve our Newts., not 'cheapen it'.
-BTW, how much did you pay for your Newt.?
>To most of you, it may look like it's just me that's sore over this, and =
maybe I am. It doesn't make me less right.

Not 'less right', just wrong.

!ooW %-)
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!

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