[NTLK] Good Bye NewtonTalk

From: Jonathan Wise (For NewtonTalk) (NewtonTalk_at_jonandnic.2y.net)
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 19:39:27 EDT

Dear Everyone,
    What follows is my eulogy for my great Newton experiment, as posted on
my website. I've been forced to switch for various reasons to the Palm, so
I've had to say good bye to my Newt, and to you folks. I know I wasn't
around long, but thanks for all the great tips/advice/help. A special so
long, and good luck to the SONUG group and Victor...
Jonathan Wise
Imagine a computer that adjusts to you -- instead of making you adjust to
it. Imagine a machine that is beside your side, reminding you of
appointments, collecting your e-mail, and keeping track of your contacts. No
mere Palm Pilot, rather a small PC that provides Internet, word processing
and games all in an attractive package and an oversized screen allowing you
to see more data without scrolling, that can rotate in 4 directions for the
most useful viewing angle. Imagine inputting data, just like you would on a
piece of paper -- drawing, scribbling and writing with ease.

That computers is -- was the Newton. Before it's time, and beyond it. And
now it is dead. Oh, small but powerful user groups keep it going, packing it
with the newest technologies like wireless networking, hard drives and MP3s,
but it remains practically still-born, abandoned by it's parent, Apple

The Newton is one of the most insanely great things ever invented, and I'm
proud to have been the owner of both a MessagePad 120 and 2100. But my
Newton adventure is over... I need something of a more practical size so
I've traded in my Newt for a Palm IIIc. Mind you, if Apple should ever bring
back the Newton in any shape or form, I'll be the first in line to get it.
But for now, my comparatively brain-dead Palm will have to do.

If you have some spare money, and want to figure out what a computer should
work like, I'd encourage you to pick up a Newt. They run for about $150 for
a near top-end model on eBay.

Read the List FAQ/Etiquette: http://www.newtontalk.net/faq.html
Read the Newton FAQ: http://www.guns-media.com/mirrors/newton/faq/
This is the NewtonTalk mailing list - http://www.newtontalk.net

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