Re: [NTLK] Airport Base Station/M7601LL/B

Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 16:45:14 EDT

actually on the two ethernet ports, one is a "LAN" port and one is a "WAN"
port...which means it will act as a router for those of us lucky to have
cable, or cursed to have DSL...btw, not sure, but i thought the older one
was only capable of 40 bit encryption ? no, i'm not that paranoid about
email but STREISAND IS A CUBAN SPY.... let's sit back and wait for the FBI
to call!

orig msg below...
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2002 12:30:09 EDT
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Airport Base Station/M7601LL/B

THe ollder base station is the bargain...
The ONLY difference between the two are these.

1. The older one has one Ethernet port (the new has two). Useless addition
you have a hub nearby).
2. THe older one only does 64bit incryption (the new does 128bit). Are you
really that paranoid about your email?
3. The older one doesn't do PPPoE standard. HOWever just download the
from Apple's site (Free!), and it'll go to PPPoE... FYI, PPPoE ability is
what allows you to access AOL via the Airport.

In my mind the addition isn't worht the extra $200 costs.


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