Re: [NTLK] Dashboard? ButtonbarPlus? ??

From: Johannes Wolf (
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 10:56:15 EST

I like DashBoard most.

Regarding the original software configuration:
you cannot remove any of the original software parts because they are in
ROM (read only memory).
The only thing we can do is to add software packages to the Newts internal
Flash memory which is rewriteable and can be erased as well.

If you got a used Newt my recommendation is in general to erase the
complete memory by doing the so called brain wipe or deep reset.
(Hold down the power button and press the reset button on the back of your
Newt until you get a message box asking you if you really want to erase
everything - tap YES).
But before you do so try to figure out if there is some useful software on
it which you want to save before.
There is also software which is registered in conjunction with the owner
name. If the owner name is changed the registration is lost.
But at least try to get an overview what software and extensions are
currently installed on your Newt.
Most of them you may find at Unna.

Welcome to the list and good luck!


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Hamende []
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 4:40 PM
To: newton
Subject: [NTLK] Dashboard? ButtonbarPlus? ??


I am looking at buttonbar enhancements for a MP2x00.

Which is better Dashboard or ButtonbarPlus? Or some other?

Was there a final result of the "Must Have" thread?

How might one return a MP2x00 to its orginal software configuration? ie
the default Apple setup. I suspect that the previous owner removed some
stuff and changed it to suit their liking. I am finding proceedures
from the manuals say tap this icon or do this and the icon or this is
different or missing. I am thinking it might be easier to start from
the original setup.

This is a great list.

Thank you.

Mike Hamende

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