[NTLK] Dashboard? ButtonbarPlus? ??

From: Mike Hamende (mhamende_at_tsl.state.tx.us)
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 10:39:44 EST


I am looking at buttonbar enhancements for a MP2x00.

Which is better Dashboard or ButtonbarPlus? Or some other?

Was there a final result of the "Must Have" thread?

How might one return a MP2x00 to its orginal software configuration? ie
the default Apple setup. I suspect that the previous owner removed some
stuff and changed it to suit their liking. I am finding proceedures
from the manuals say tap this icon or do this and the icon or this is
different or missing. I am thinking it might be easier to start from
the original setup.

This is a great list.

Thank you.

Mike Hamende

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