Re: [NTLK] Emate Expansion Memory

From: Stephanie Maks (
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 10:44:27 EDT

Does anyone know where the actual Flash chips can be found? Maybe someone
more knowledgable can correct me on this, but on the Emate's motherboard,
there are two empty footprints for two additional Flash chips. I'd like to
just buy the chips if I can find them, and solder them to the motherboard.

I have the internal upgrade already, and it's fine, but I think the Emate is
really crippled with only one pcmcia slot. Well, that and it's slow

Anyhow, with the internal upgrade, and then another two flash chips on the
motherboard, that should be 8MB of Flash and 4MB of DRAM. That'd be cool.
If it's possible.

If I can find some compatible Flash chips I'll try it out myself and see if
it works, unless someone else already knows that it won't.


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