NTLK Re: NTLK: QT movies to MoviePlayer movies...

From: Heiko Cultus (Heiko.Cultus@edag.de)
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 02:14:40 CDT

Thanks, maybe I need a lesson in stuffing. I think NetFinder had
MacBinaried it again.
I take a look a the PMT again and it is only black and white. No
Greyscale :(
So for anyone how thought it is possible to make movies like the
simpsons one, sorry.


Bill Davis wrote:
> I've downloaded your file and expanded it (it seemed to be DOUBLE
> MacBinaried!), then reposted it as PMT20.bin, .sit, .hqx and .zip
> See
> http://www.info-newt.com/archives/Movies/PMT20.*
> or
> ftp://ftp.info-newt.com/Movies/PTM20.*
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