[NTLK] Where this weird shiny little MP130 part belongs

NewtonTalk newtontalk at pda-soft.de
Tue Jan 7 20:25:14 EST 2020

Hi Brad,

I doubt that this the problem, but make sure to rule out a mechanical
problem of the contrast potentiometer by tapping slightly against the
contrast wheel or on the Newton in the area where the contrast wheel is

As to the unknown part: This is by far and wide the most frequently lost
part in Newton history. Most people don't even notice losing it when they
take their Newtons apart.

This part connects the metal shielding of the case to the mainboard. It's
located close to the power & serial connectors. For details have a look


You must put it in before you put the mainboard back in, and you should make
sure it stays where it should be until the mainboard is properly seated. It
has this annoying tendency to explore unfamiliar terrain, especially so when
it fears it'll soon be trapped again for the next couple of years.

The problem is that the Newton will work hunky dory without this part. So
unless you saw it make its way to the carpet or were lucky enough to find it
still in place after removing the mainboard, it'll end up in your vacuum
cleaner, leaving you none the wiser.


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