[NTLK] Copyright Test [was h*cks, kr*ks, SN]

Anthony Velasco ecotone at mac.com
Mon Jan 25 00:58:02 EST 2010

Donald - 

As I mentioned to Mark Rollins and the list, Rob Bruce has given me authorization to manage sales for Tactile software.  I can register ChatBuddy for you.  

There was some question of my credibility, I would turn the question of credibility back to who is holding a mass of hacks in their hands. Or there should be plenty of info on the list archives that should date back to around 2001-2002.  I know that's longer than a lot of folks have been on this list, but you all can verify with the "silverbacks" on the list.  

As for the viability and availability of Tactile, Rob was never comfortable with releasing the software because he never recouped the costs of developing the software since someone hacked his key codes fairly early in their release.  He still was quite dismayed with the hacking and hoped that he could recoup some costs, or at least some pride knowing that people still recognize that programming is a profession and not just a past-time.  Rob has moved on with his life and his career, and was happy to pass the management of sales on to someone else.  When I first took it over, there was a spurt of activity at first - mostly people who had lost their codes and needed new ones. Sales have faded recently, I don't know if that is because the archives are lost, or are not being used, or if there are other software available that are preferred replacements for Tactile software.  

At this point, I understand that the Newton has run its course, and so has much of the software.  Sure the platform still has application for many people, including myself and my family; and it's easy to make excuses and take the easy way out by grabbing hacks for a quick fix because they are apparently readily available.  However, it really didn't take much effort to track down Rob, and he definitely deserves the credit for his hard work. He's not the only one I have seen get slammed by underhanded actions of others - don't forget what happened with the SER-001 card fiasco, and I'm sure there are others!  

For me, the decision is relatively easy - support the continuation of the Newton Community.  I can say, with a clear conscience, that I have contributed substantively, financially, ethically, and "personably".  What I liked about the Newton Community of old, is that the givers exceeded the takers  - and that is what kept the platform going.  Once the balance tips the other way, the future will dim.


Message: 13
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 22:08:17 -0500
From: Donald Wilson <donald at donaldwilson.info>
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Copyright Test  [was  h*cks, kr*ks, SN]
To: newtontalk at newtontalk.net
Message-ID: <4B5916A1.1040303 at donaldwilson.info>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


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