With regard to all of this tablet computer discussion, I think one
reason that laptops have taken off vs other devices is they use the SAME
software and data as a normal desktop. Little trouble in the way of
moving your data around or syncing. While other "special" devices this
is usually a large task or problem.
As for why Apple has not done a tablet, as it was recently posted it is
likely because they just don't don't see enough of a market share. When
they have a product that will sell like the ipod or iphone, they will
release it. It is all about making money, not about giving some people
what they want. Sadly what I want and what apple makes is rarely the
same (their propriety data transfer for example gets on my nerves and
one reason I don't buy a iphone or ipod and instead use devices with
more standard data transfer methods). My newtons have been the
exception to the rule but even they have better data moving ability
compared to other devices (with a little tweaking).
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Received on Mon Jul 13 20:16:00 2009
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