Re: [NTLK] [ANN] Einstein Emulator DP3

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sun Jan 16 2005 - 10:51:27 PST

Aux environs du 16/01/05 à 13:31 -0500, sous le titre "Re: [NTLK]
[ANN] Einstein Emulator DP3", Alaric Dyson prit sa plus belle plume
pour écrire les mots suivants:
>Great job Paul. I'm totally amazed and in awe of your work. Can't wait
>for the package loader ability and Appletalk support. Too bad about TCP
>being problematic especially with current wireless routers not
>supporting Appletalk.

Thanks Alaric.
I think there is a little confusion about what I wrote concerning AppleTalk.

I think networking in Einstein Emulator should be done using the host
(MacOS X, or whatever) system's networking stack.

NewtonOS performs TCP/IP via NIE. To add TCP/IP to Einstein emulator,
I need to either
- write something looking like NIE to Internet applications or
- patch NIE/provide a NIE module (like Eckhart's NIE Nitro & Blunt support)

Either piece of code would connect to the host's networking stack the
way other bits of Einstein glue connect to the host system.

For AppleTalk support, I need to understand how 22 methods work and
implement replacement for the emulator.

AppleTalk seems much more simple to begin with. That's all.

If Einstein Emulator shall become a native execution of NewtonOS on
another PDA, it definitely should take advantage of TCP/IP.

The other approach would be to emulate a networking card. I just
don't believe in this, at least for the moment. The big advantage of
using a POSIX kernel is that we'd get new technologies such as
802.11g for free.

The architecture of the Newton is roughly:

Internet application such as Courier
Ethernet driver
PCMCIA cards

On Einstein, I'd rather have:

Internet application such as Courier
NIE equivalent
Einstein glue
POSIX system networking stack
Ethernet driver

In the second scenario wouldn't (really) matter for us if the
networking stack is based on BlueTooth, 802.11g, Ethernet or if it
would be IPv4 or IPv6 based.


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