[NTLK] WWNC & Einstein

From: Paul Guyot (pguyot_at_kallisys.net)
Date: Mon Sep 06 2004 - 20:59:39 PDT

Hi all,

I would like to clarify bits about what we're going to do in the next days.
We are going to publish the slides and whatever we have from the WWNC
on the website. So you'll know what all the speakers said. It won't
replace having been there, but it will give you a small taste. The
DVD will be a better taste. It should not be available before 3 or 4
weeks because there is a huge amount of raw data to work on (I think
we have 14 hours of video, Adam did take 700 pictures, and I don't
even mention the other photographers, the sound recordings, etc.).

I would also like to clarify about Einstein.

Einstein is not a Newton emulator.

Einstein is a project. I did define it on Newtontalk several days
ago. It is a suggestion for a set of possible futures of the platform
with a move to new hardware and no complete rewrite of the NewtonOS.
The emulator is just the first step and it is nearly complete.

Finally, I would like to explain why source code of the emulator
won't be publicly available on this list (I did explain it during the
conference). The future of the platform may include negociations with
Apple Computer and a licensing of the NewtonOS. This will not be
possible if anyone can run NewtonOS on other hardware for free
without any control on our side. This is why Nicolas and I have
decided that Einstein, as an emulator or a program that would run on
other hardware in order to run NewtonOS on them, will be free but
with an expiration date so we'll keep the control.

I happen to be in the South of France for my PhD and all I have is a
big lack of sleep and a GPRS connection, so I'm not going to upload
my slides until I'll be back in Paris.


Ceci est une signature banale.
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