[NTLK] Plugit in plugit in, and newtendo leglity

From: Goodwin, Greg (GoodwinG_at_aafes.com)
Date: Wed Feb 11 2004 - 05:31:01 PST

>From: "Matthew Middlebrooke" <machead118_at_applelinks.net>
>I was also wondering about those minute few who don't own
>the netendo games, can they play newtendo games legally?
>It's really cool, but I never owned a gameboy or NES System
>so i ended up throwing the emulator and mario away.

    Well Matt, the way MAME and many other emulators work, they have the roms out there on the belief that you have the real rom somewhere else. That's generally how a lot of things work. I own a Nintendo ES system, and as time goes, the way I generally work is I look apon roms as shareware. I try them out, if I like them, mean REALLY like them, I will want the original anyway for my collection (like I how I try to collect everything of Joust for example.) All others simply drop off from lack of use after time anyway.

     Atari emulators want me to have have the real thing to back up the rom image? No problem.. pick your flavor... Atari 400/800/600xl/800xl ... heheh...

    Some providers of roms and emulators insist that the original rom cannot be used while the rom image is being used. The idea is, you have one rom. I think that is taking it a bit far personally.

     But those who provide roms go on the grounds that hey, you may have the real thing, but not know how to port the rom image. Perfectly understandable. My thoughts on this are... thank you to all of you out there that port the rom images. I've tinkered with many emulators, and tried many roms. Most of the time I say "That's fun" and then I don't use it, and later it gets deleted when I need space. But if I REALLY like it, I will continue to use the emulator, and work to get the real thing first chance I get.

@}<-- >------------------------

      NOW HERE IS A THOUGHT FOR YOU... there are some emulators that are commercially endorsed. Take for example Joust, Defender, and Robotron made for the 68030 Macs. Those have an imbedded rom in the program (I believe). Since the rights for using the rom is in the program, I would imagine the user bought the rights to use that rom as well.
      So technically wouldn't you have a licensed right to have that rom? :) So if you ran Joust under another emulator, you have, by rights, that rom? (Especially now that it's years later and you never run that copy anyway, if you want to go that far into it.)
    Curious on thoughts on that.

    Take care (it is soooo cool to finally have a working emulator on the Newton!)

    Doctor Clu

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