Date: Fri Aug 27 2004 - 13:01:47 PDT
sorry for the top post, but the comcast webmail does strange things when I type below.
the people (pt100) have said several times that if someone wants to make libraries, they'd help with hooks into pt100. So you wouldn't have to recreate a bunch of TTY features anyway. anyway if you think this would help, drop them an email. I think Sanjay still watches the scrawlsoft email. pt100 is quite nice.
I'd kill (OK, pay a fair amount) for a SSH capability.
> Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 15:34:55 -0400
> From:
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] ssh client for newton
> start by looking at existing projects like nhttplib. I'm working at an
> algorithm/protocol level right now, since I don't know what if any actual
> code I can reuse from other implementations. If I can get a basic
> skeleton, I'll build from there.
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