From: Sonya Hipper (
Date: Thu Aug 12 2004 - 12:41:57 PDT, after my last brainwipe, I was able to use NewtSync with
reasonable accuracy to pour my entire iCal calendar into Dates,
however, after deleting the Dates store (long story), I'm finding that
I can't put any but newly-created iCal events into Dates. Doesn't
matter whether or not I check "synchronize deleted items". :(
Is there something I'm missing in NewtSync, or maybe some way to
COMPLETELY "hollow out" the Dates store so that it's as if nothing was
ever in there at all, just like after a brainwipe, or...?
Addresses go just fine, and Notes sync with Glass Onion's bundle to
.txt files (brilliant, that!), the clock syncs, yadda-yadda. I've also
tried, to no avail, to get them imported with Eck's IC/VC...
And now that I have MoreInfo, I have a greatly renewed interest in
getting Dates syncing right!
Anyway, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
"I urge you all today, especially today during these
times of chaos and war, to love yourself without reservations
and to love each other without restraint. Unless you're into
leather. And then, by all means, use restraints."
—Margaret Cho
Sonya Hipper
AIM: SonyaLynn
Yahoo: thesonyalynn
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