From: Julie McCollister (
Date: Mon Aug 09 2004 - 17:35:26 PDT
I remember enjoying that project at the time, to see how people were using
Newts, and added my own entry... I'm the country pastor in Art of Newton. My
web site these days:
( )
It might be fun to do another similar project again, if anyone would like to
offer to run it. That old file, while interesting, is a bit obsolete... I
think I was still using a 2.0 MP120 at the time, and people are doing things
with their newts now that weren't possible then.
Dan McCollister
Catskill Mountains, NY
on 8/09/2004 4:27 PM, Dan at wrote:
>>> A little while ago I was browsing through the UNNA archive of Newton
>>> Books and came across the 'Art of Newton'. This book talks about how
>>> people have integrated their Newtons into the everyday lives. I was
>>> fascinated to learn what other people have actually done with their
>>> little green friends - from lawyers, doctors, students, academic and
>>> even cops.
>> You know, there used to be a web site like this. I can't remember its
>> name, nor who sponsored it, but I wonder if it's still around? I even
>> had a paragraph on it. ;-) This was ages ago... Anybody remember its
>> name and who sponsored it?
> Yes I think this is the one you are thinking of:
> -Dan
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