From: nelson (
Date: Mon Aug 02 2004 - 21:42:21 PDT
Ok here is the news so far:
Have been all over the net looking for info, found very little. But it
does work, heres how i did it.
Newton 2100u setup: modem card 14,000 megahertz
modem prefs: vol off , require dial tone (off) ,
*connect using : (any pc card), *modem setup: (14.4 normal)
Autodock : off
dock: connect via: modem
will dial (just used home phone number as its the one the
apple has, may or may not matter)
Mac setup: (may be simular under p.c. all i jhave are macs)
under prefs in NBU , check appletalk , check internal
appletalk is off, start up connect from the newton, quickly start up
nbu, (mine shows a modem staus panel at top) got to manuel answer under
It seems you have to answer at just the right time otherwise it doesnt
go through, as several connects just hit 300bps. Now when newton modem
connects at max speed your in. good speed seems about the same speed as
a serial cable. have downloaded pkg's useing this method to my 2100. I
dont have a serial adapter dongle so have had some push to figure this
out. Did a backup , it took a while, seems once it hooks up at the
right speed everything works great, connection holds good. Anyway this
is all i have so far. My hook up ratio is about 2 to 3 out of 5 tries.
I know not great.... but its free! Could be a way around bootstrapping
for some. If you have any success at this let me know.
p.s. By the way standard disclaimer here, i did this at my own risk, i
know i could have fried both my modems plus my newton. So enter at your
own risk. If you try your on your own payment plan. Dont shoot the
newt 120, 130, and a 2100u (needs a screen door but it works)
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