Re: [NTLK] Transformer supplies (was: Too much power)

From: Frank Gruendel (
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 16:48:43 EST

>Transformer-based power supplies also output pretty approximate
>voltages. For example, a power suppy labeled 7.5 volts could actually
>be as high as 12 volts, which is not good for a Newton. You want to
>make sure that you're using a regulated power supply, otherwise you'll
>fry your Newton. Not a good idea...

There are in fact transformer based power supplies that put out much more
than what they are labeled with. This is, though, not a general statement.
If they are properly regulated, they will work just fine with the Newtons
unless they can provide much more current than the original adapters. I have
powered a MP130 with a 20 Ampere laboratory power supply for days.
The 2.1 os devices are supposed to be a bit more picky, haven't tried
them with that supply yet. They can sense if an adapter could put out more
current than they want.


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