À (At) 17:07 -0700 24/11/02, Grant Hutchinson écrivait (wrote) :
>Paul, you seem to have a history of failing hard drives. Maybe it's time
>to go back to using papertape and punchcards. Just don't fold, spindle,
>or mutilate...
Well, this time it is purely software.
I had a kernel panic on the OS of the future and afterwards (wasn't
doing anything strange), Universal Access appeared twice in the
preferences. fsck said that the data was corrupted but couldn't help
(running it twice yielded to the same message). So I had to reformat
the disk entirely. Fortunately, I was able to copy my 15 GB on my
sister's FW disk, so it didn't take 48 hours as planned (getting the
15 GB from the other machine via Ethernet took 24 hours).
Anyway. I turned on journalizing. I hope that this OS won't make me
too many surprises like this one. Maybe it was the numerous crashes
of the Finder when copying files via AppleTalk.
But you're probably right. I really wonder if computers increase the
productivity. We spend so much time learning how they work, how to
use them, installing things, doing backups, etc. At least, I haven't
wasted too much paper taking notes on the Newton ;) Plus I enjoy
creating software for myself and for others.
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