I did too. I even started to port Java SSH client that implements ssh1
protocol. I ported protocol layer and got stacked in actual terminal
emulation. Protocol layer can be compiled in Waba subset. Most of the
time I spent with getting around with BigInterger and others that are
needed for encryption. I can send you sources. If you want to give a
try. I'll look into it again.
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 16:32:41 +0100
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Alexander_Oberd=F6rster?=
Subject: [NTLK] Porting Java SSH to Waba?
I noticed that there are several SSH clients for Java out there. I
actually have no idea about the restrictions of the Waba environment,
but would it perhaps possible (and easier to do than a native SSH
client) to port one of them to Waba? I guess it would be slow as hell,
but still...
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