Re: [NTLK] New casings for the Newton ?

From: Brian Pearce (
Date: Sat Nov 23 2002 - 00:14:24 EST

> Yes it is very possible! The largest cost in the production of the
> "frozen
> Newt" will be the injection molds. Once Ferdi has the injection molds
> fabricated he should be able to request production in any "flavor".

But to answer the inevitable follow-up question; different materials
require different molds, so a mold designed for plastic couldn't
necessarily be used for metal.

I'm curious about something, though; the least expensive way to go
about creating the tool parts (the pieces used to create the molds)
would be to disassemble a MessagePad and use the appropriate parts of
the case. (Resculpting would likely be prohibitively expensive, and
it'd be difficult to make an exact match of the original case.) But the
process of casting the tool parts and then making the molds introduces
a slight element of shrinkage. (Insert your joke of choice here.) You
can offset this by making the tool parts slightly larger to compensate;
but that involves resculpting. I wonder if a slightly smaller case
would place any stress on the screen, or any of the other electrical

(I'm also curious to see how much Ferdi will try to sell these for on


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