At 22:37 09-11-2002 +0100, you wrote:
>=C0 (At) 22:14 +0100 9/11/02, Damien Batstone =E9crivait (wrote) :
> >I've been playing around with IRcomm2k, and DIL tester on my IBM thinkpad
> >with win2ksp3, and my MP2100. I mapped IRcomm to Com2 by going to the
> >registry, to let DIL tester access it, and I can start the connection on
> >the DIL side, but the newton gives bad or no response. I get the IR
> >connection in the win2k tray, which says Newton is in range. I have read
> >the archive, and people have been playing with this. Any luck
> >anywhere? I've tried a few connection speeds (9600 etc), and have the=
> >protocol running, but nothing yet.
>This isn't possible. Let me explain why.
>DIL Tester is based on Apple's DILs (hence the name).
>Apple's DILs do IrDA via the Communication Toolbox (CTB), which is a
>MacOS (< X) system library (also used by NCU, NTK, NPI, Newton Press,
>etc.). This is a very nice abstraction layer. Apple didn't think of
>IrDA when they wrote the DILs at first (it wasn't even implemented in
>the Newton), but they provided a way to do custom CTB communication
>(AppleTalk and Serial are provided via the CTB as well). Thanks to
>this custom CTB possibility, Thomas has been able to provide IrDA.
>On Windows, Apple's DILs only do Serial (with MNP Compression -- they
>didn't even use their own CTB code to do that compression) and
>TCP/IP. The advantage over NCU is that you can do TCP/IP and
>therefore Ethernet. But you can't do IrDA.
Hi Paul,
Thanks. So the Newton is expecting a CTB IR signal, while the IrDA port in=
the PC is providing a MNP compressed serial signal (via IrCOMM2k)? These=20
means that even if I could get NCU to use the IRCOMM2k port, it wouldn't=20
work either. Is there a possibility to make the newton do MNP through IR=20
(or get a PC to do CTB)?
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