> Well, it's not *just* the MHz. The StrongARM used in the iPaq, the
> SA-1110, includes an SDRAM interface(on-chip) which the iPaq most
> certainly uses. IIRC, the SDRAM on the iPaq runs @ 66MHz and can burst
> upto 8 words.
> Contrast this to the Newton where the SA-110 uses the Voyager for
> slower EDO memory access. By some accounts, the Voyager needs 7 bus
> cycles to complete a memory access, which can be a huge bottleneck...
Thanks. Thats the kind of thing I wanted to know.
Do you also have info about the PCMCIA performance of the Voyager? I
suspect that won't be on par with today's chipsets, too -- I've heard
10-15 KB/s for transmissions to and from ATAPI Memory Cards. iPaqs
should be a lot faster than that.
This fact should also further complicate things when we try to play back
128 kbps MP3s (or even greater bitrates) on a Newton -- that's 16 KB/s.
Ah, and some numbers about the throughput of the Newton's TCP/IP stack
would also be cool.
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