Re: [NTLK] Linear cards die?

From: Dan (
Date: Tue Jul 30 2002 - 10:28:45 EDT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Roe" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 1:55 AM
Subject: [NTLK] Linear cards die?

> Is there any sign to look for when linear cards are dying? I operate a
> business using eMates & MP2100s for our in the field computers. We
> download once a month for billing. All our info is stored on cards up to
> the download time. I have never had a card fail, just internal memory
> problems. Now I am concerned about what to look for when cards are
> starting to go bad. Does anyone have any clues?

Yep, you start to get postive errors. I don't remember exact numbers but
perhaps someone else from the list could fill that part in. Positive number
mean hardware problems. And if you start to get them every time you save to
the card, backup the card and don't trust it, and replace it as soon as you
can. And as I said don't put any data on it that you can't afford to loose,
just in case.

Since flash cards have a limited write cycles, eventually that part does
fail, but you should be able to get the data off of it once you sart getting
errors, so you shouldn't loose anything. There could be software errors on
it, but that would be a negative error number. BTW-I keep backups of all my
cards and newtons, just as a precaution. I have not had a failure yet of a
card or newton (they are very reliable, but as I said at some point flash
cards will fail), BUT I am not taking chances becuase "stuff" does happen
somtimes. :)


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