Re: [NTLK] having a problem with simple mail

From: Dan (
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 17:43:55 EDT

>Well, in order to find the host, if specified as "server.something", you
>need to have a valid DNS, or domain name server, so that "server.something"
>will resolve to an IP address, like It you haven't specified
>what is the DNS address somewhere in NIE settings, that might explain while
>SimpleMail is failing to find the host. As a test, you could try on your
>desktop to find what's the exact IP address for the host, then use this
>address in SimpleMail. Then, you would see if the DNS is a problem or not.
>If SimpleMail can connect, then it's most likely a DNS problem, if not,
>I don't know, except that something would be missing in your configuration.

Hmm I did have one, but it seems that the DNS I was using was the secondary
and currently down LOL. (well that explains it right?) Thanks and finally
newt-on-the-net :)

Oh btw-what is the best news reader for the newt?


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