[NTLK] Heap

From: MuHammed Lonon (mjl3781_at_yahoo.com)
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 16:58:49 EDT

2 questions about heap

1) What is the lowest amount of free heap that you
can have and still have the Newt "stable and
responsive". I currently make sure that I don't go
below 300k but I am guessing that the threshold is
somewhere around 150.

2) Is there a "free" program ou there that provides
the functionalty of HeapSaver I would register my demo
but the money's tighter than...well you know.

Side Note: Some people were complaining in previous
threads about why people don't go to unna FIRST,
before asking on list. While I agree that sometimes
the requests seem rediculous(like asking where to find
NCU) but I would also like to point out that going to
the archives without a specific program means you may
ave to go through 3 or 4 Abandonware demos before you
find something you can use after 30 days. Also not
all of, in fact few, programs have readme's that let
you know what you are getting into. Finally, and I
think this is most important, it saves bandwidth since
I will be downloading only 1 or 2 files instead of all
that are in the folder.

Well thats my 2 cents....hope it covers the tax.

MuHammed Jamal Lonon
102 Loden Lane Rochester, NY 14623
(585) 334-0848 (local)
(803) 428-6757 (perm.)
mjl3781_at_rit.edu (alt.)

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