Re: [NTLK] Newted Community memberships [Was: Dot-mac overpriced petition]

From: Grant [Contra Intuitive] Hutchinson (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 12:37:03 EDT

In a previous message, Victor Rehorst typed vigorously:

>Don't forget, if you're looking for a free Newton-friendly e-mail/web
>space provider, look no further than the Newted community!
>Free accounts have 3MB of storage, and for a one-time fee of $10 USD, you
>get 30MB of storage (twice what .mac gives you). Sure, you don't get a
>few of these perks, but that's pretty durn cheap.

Thanks for the plug, Victor!

I'd just like to point out that I am moving the Newted Community server
(one more time with feeling!) to what is hopefully its final home this
weekend. What this means is that I probably won't get around to
processing any of the new account requests until late Saturday or Sunday.
Sorry for the inconvenience.



Grant Hutchinson Newted Community Handyman

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