[NTLK] Newton-like tech in Macs (was: Steve's love/hate..

From: James Witte (jswitte_at_bloomington.in.us)
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 12:25:05 EDT

  The address book reminded me of Newton, and so did the calendar. Of
course, all calendars basically look the same, but especially the way you
"drag out" items in iCal, move them around, and the multi-day views that
he showed looked an aweful lot like Dates (with a lickable interface, of
course - I personally think iCal would look better if the meeting boxes
had a more rounded appearance to them (as an option of course).. When it
comes out I'll have to see if the window class can be posed for with

> release of OSX. Specifically, Inkwell, and a "system-wide address book."

  The latest MacWorld has a screen shot of Inkwell in action, where
someone has written "Jaguar" *and it's cursive*! I was thinking that
Inkwell was only going to be Rosetta which only worked with seperated
letters. Either they licensed the engine from paragraph again, or
improved Rosetta (I remember something in Yaeger's tech paper saying that
the HWR group was working on making Rosetta work with connected letters.)

> Now where have I seen that only once before? I wonder how many batteries
> that new Newton with the 17 inch screen will need. To think the Newt was

  If they've got a 17'' monitor that has 1440 pixels, I want to be able to
rotate the darn screen! It shouldn't be to hard for Apple to adjust the
engineering either - the screen connector interface is round on the iMac -
is it not?


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