Re: [NTLK] "Q Re-print" size poll

From: machula (
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 07:49:12 EDT

> > Now, WHAT is it about these drawings?
> > what can you do with it?
>... to make hundreths of beautiful
>silver glossy metal cases or lids or whatever you want and sell them.

owwww-kaaayyyy!!!! :-)
Now I see the light!

bright and shiny, light reflecting on metal brushed newtons, with
bright blue backlights and accelerated-serial dongles included, mp3
's playing in stereo......
writing down texts I dictated and instantly serving them wireless to
the internet from the newton... while sailing on the yaght i rented
in greece, telling me the compass course based on the water chart in
my newton, the gps attached with the solar cells that give it power...

dream... dream...dream...


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