> You will find a huge number of battery chargers which are well suited for
> both, NiCd AND NiMH.
> But with a standard charging method - constant current (usually C/10)
> over a defined period of time you can charge both.
Provided they have been discharged to their specified discharge voltage
Which in 99 out of 100 cases they haven't. It's not a good idea to charge
batts that are only partially discharged that way.
> I also used an original battry pack for the MP120.
> Looking to the type of cells in it:
> VARTA NiMH 1100 mAh
NiMH cells have never been used by Apple until the eMate / 2x00.
> if a cell is damaged it is getting hot even with the normal C/10 charging
> current.
It also gets hot when it is just fine and healthy, but currently being
Fully charged NiCads turn most of the charge current into heat.
> The power adapter for the MP12 is not capable to deliver too high
> currents.
Which isn't at all required to make the batts heat up if overcharged.
That's why Apple built in the thermistor ;-)
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