"Shabaz Dar" <shabaz_at_tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
> But is there a way to cut out either Works or NewtScape?
I'm afraid no. But you can save the book as html right away, so you won't
need to launch Works at all (only to delete text after completion). Save
book as html - open Newtscape - "open from Works".
Also, is there
> a way of making the text size changes in NS take effect on the current bo=
> ok,
> instead of having to reload the book? This can be done on the desktop of
> course, but it's not as green...
Negative answer either. But you can save a page or two of the book and try
different fonts with it (instead of the whole book), so reloading will be
much faster. By the way, you should not quit Newtscape after changing a
font - just hit "Reload".
Anton Balaban
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