Re: [NTLK] Another Battery Miracle!

From: Chris Searles (
Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 03:17:14 EST

>So you say, but after reading the original post, I tried this with my
>"home-brew" 130 battery pack that has been dead since last spring, and it
>worked! I now have it in my Newton, and it seems to be going strong! I
>thought the pack was dead, dead, dead. Thanks to that post, this mystery is
>no longer a mystery! I'm glad he "discovered" this and posted it. I'm also
>glad for your explanation. I will pay closer attention to my batteries now.
>For the record, just Monday, I finally bought another set of nicads to
>replace the "dead" ones. I now have two sets. One to charge in my base, and
>another for use in the Newton, and I'm happy. :-)


How long did you recharge them? I tried following the advice given on
this list for the 2100 NiMH batteries, ie charging them for 12 hours and
it looks like I totally killed my 130 battery pack. It used to have a
charge of about 20% and now it is really dead (0%). I guess 12 hours only
applies to MiMH batteries. :-(

Listees, any way to revive such an overcharged pack?


Chris Searles

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