Re: [NTLK] NCU in WINE (No, it's not about booze!)

From: Jim Anderson (
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 13:34:09 EST

Will wrote:
> Sorry to pester, I'm still trying to figure out why my copy=20
> basilisk freezes=20
> up every time I try to use NCU, and everyone else seems to be=20
> having an eaisy=20
> time using it.
> By OS dependant do you mean host OS, or MacOS version? Also,=20
> what version of=20
> Basilisk II are you running? Do you have JIT recompilation=20
> on or off? Do=20
> you sync via serial or ethernet.?

        By OS dependant, I mean MacOS version. Basilisk was really
unstable (for me, on my Linux box) with MacOS 7.5.3, but it runs well
with the MacOS 7.5.5 image from Unna, both on my Linux box and my WinXP
        I'm sure there are also some differences between the Windows and
Unix versions of Basilisk (I compiled the Unix version myself, but I
used a precompiled port for the Windows version, and they seem to have
different startup options), so that might have something to do with it.
Ditto for your ROM. I've also seen problems if I select certain options
(i.e., I'm using a ROM from a Quadra, but if I select Quadra emulation,
I lock up. I also get FPU errors in the Linux version if I've selected
emulation of a CPU with a FPU).
        These settings work for me (using the MacOS 7.5.5 image from
Unna, and a Quadra ROM): In Unix Basilisk, set the CPU to 68030, no FPU;
In Windows Basilisk, set the CPU to 68040 with FPU emulation; Set memory
to at least 32 MB; Give it a hard drive with plenty of space (I use
250MB disk images); In Windows Basilisk, run in windowed mode (not
full-screen) using the Windows GDI routines (for now. If it works, you
might want to try the others).

        If you're running Unix Basilisk, make sure you have read-write
access to the ports that Basilisk will be using (it doesn't seem to deal
well with hardware issues that don't exist in the Mac world, like not
having permissions to write to a port).

        I haven't tried Ethernet connections, but serial works for me.
Also, I haven't seen a JIT recompilation option in the versions I'm

        Good luck. If that doesn't work, send me all the details (what
version of Basilisk you're running, host OS, MacOS version, ROM type,
settings, etc), and I'll see if I can figure something out. I have
Basilisk on both a Unix box and a Windows box, so I can probably
duplicate what you're running.

        By the way, you're not running the Windows version on Windows 9x
are you? It doesn't seem to work well.

Jim Anderson

Evil Overlord Rule 197:
I will explain to my Legions of Terror that guns are ranged weapons and
swords are not. Anyone who attempts to throw a sword at the hero or club
him with a gun will be summarily executed.

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