I don't see the reason behind for this. I don't think OS X is any less
user friendly or less usable than OS 9, OS X has feature OS 9 doesn't
have, OS X has most if not all the features OS 9 has. Yes OS X is less
task oriented than Newton, but for christ sake it's a desktop OS,
there's a certain line a desktop OS should not cross, I think the
"services" feature in OS X is pretty close to Newton OS's definition of
task oriented. I really wouldn't mind a PDA with OS X as it's default
OS, but that probably will never happen. As for apple developing an OS
from ground up just for PDA, I just wanna say save the money and invest
wisely, will there ever be enough user/developers for that new OS?
as for apple not spending money on UI R&D, look at iPod, I am pretty
impressed at what did with such a small screen, they do not need to
"invest" money in UI R&D as long as they have a good team of people that
works on the UI. So far I am pretty impressed with what they did with OS
X and iPod.
2 10, 2002, at 03:24 , Joel M. Sciamma wrote:
> there is no evidence that Apple are spending money
> on the kind of basic research that gave us the UI for the original Mac &
> Newton.
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