Re: [NTLK] Furbies (Was: superNEWT)

From: Mietek (
Date: Wed Feb 06 2002 - 14:07:21 EST

    Hi all,
I think the NSA had no reason to ban Furbies...

>Does Furby Learn?
>Given the limited electronics, we really doubt Furby has any capacity to
>"learn", nor have we seen any behavior to suggest learning capacity.
>Furby simulates learning by slowly displaying different subsets of its
>preprogrammed vocabulary and behavior over time. A "newborn" Furby is
>programmed to use only a portion of its full capabilities initially, and,
>over time, will slowly change which preprogrammed capabilities it
>displays. The Furby may also choose to display certain behaviors based on
>interaction patterns it has experienced--allowing for reinforcement of
>desired behavior and rewards for "playing nice". Furbies can send IR
>signals to other Furbies to expose new preprogrammed behavior in them,
>simulating the sharing of knowledge between Furbies. But as far as we can
>tell, Furbies do not have the ability to develop new behavior or
>vocabulary based on their experiences. Everything a Furby can ever do was
>preprogrammed during design and simply triggered at the appropriate time.


    Mietek Bak / Desp <>

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