Re: [NTLK] Visor Expansion (not really off topic)

From: Stephanie Maks (
Date: Wed Sep 26 2001 - 17:41:07 EDT

You -probably- could, but what would be the point? Most springboard modules
are more expensive than the equivalent pcmcia devices. And, if the
springboard module in question meets Handspring's specs then it's going to
have Palm OS software and possibly drivers built-in, which are of no use to
anything but a Visor.

The thing to bear in mind, is what the Springboard module was designed for.
It was meant as true 'plug and play'. The hardware contains all the
software and drivers required, and when inserted, it automatically loads
those drivers etc into the PDA then runs them. When the module is removed,
the software automatically removes itself from the PDA. It's true plug and
play, and it really works well. But obviously, it's only meant to work with
Palm OS devices.

You'd have to build a hardware adaptor then depending on what module(s) you
wanted to use, you'd have to write new software and / or new drivers to use
it. Many Springboard modules include on-board flash memory, I do not know
if that memory is compatible with Newtons, or if it'd have to be
'reformatted' or anything.

It would be cheaper and easier to just buy the desired pcmcia device in the
first place.


p.s. as 'neat' as I think the Visors are, I keep mine in a box in the
closet, while my MP2100 comes with me. Newtons are neater.

> So, what's your opinion? Can it go the other way? (which, I think, is the
> point of this discussion) Can a Springboard device be mated, via some
> simple adapter to swap the pin assignments or something, to a PCMCIA slot?
> - Eric.

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