Re: [NTLK] Dragon Package

From: Eckard Brauer (
Date: Mon Sep 10 2001 - 15:19:04 EDT


> I don't know what the problem is with installing the Dragon package.
> 1) upload communication errors (some bits in pkg mutated)?
> 2) package not "unrelocated" properly?
> 3) microphone needed?
> if 1), then I'd suggest trying again with PackageBuddy or favorite tool
> if 2), PkgBuddy, Sloup and X-Port all use the same unrelocation code
> (that I
> wrote), which has only really been tested on "normal" packages and
> autoparts
> (and it respects the copyright bit); if the Dragon package has different
> kinds of install parts, then this might not work for any of them -- in
> which
> case I'd suggest trying EETransfer or email since that apparently does
> unrelocation automatically somewhere in the transport layer.

I don't know anything in depth what's happening with uploaded packages at
the Newton, Steve, so you have to go a bit more in detail here (send a
pointer, please). My thought was that packages reside as they are in the
package store, and that relocation is done as a simple mechanism to show
them up at distinct memory address(es) in the system heap (somehow as a
duplicate). I know arithmetics, so I also know, that it isn't that simple,
and your answer say's I'm wrong here (because you seem to have to do some

However, for not to ask the question for your code as it looks like, please
give some insight on what's done with a package at install time? BTW, how
do I install a package from , say, a byte-string, at all?

Steve, I think it's the moment to really say thank you for some very good
Newton software, but for the Newton's point, we all epend on your
knowlewdge if the Newton shouldn't be dead, so you have to teach us a bit.


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