Re: [NTLK] Pre paid phone card dialing

From: Brian (
Date: Fri Oct 26 2001 - 13:49:12 EDT

>Has anyone gotten a prepaid phone card dialing string to work correctly on a
>MP2100. The dialing string I am using is 51 characters long, 55 characters
>when dialing from a hotel.
>The Newton consistently cuts off the last 13 characters from the dialing
>I have tried entering the access and card numbers in the prefix section and
>manually entered the number. It still cuts off the last 13 characters -

the last time I used a calling card with my Newton, I just entered
everything into the phone dialog- I used my regular NIE setup ((no area
code needed, just 7 digit dialing), then in the connect slip, hit the
assist button and entered all the rest. so the number called looked like
800# for the calling card company, the areacode plus # that I was calling,
then my account # and pin (my home phone and pin so 14 digits).

With, as you say, a few comma's here and there.

If that's what you meant by manual dialling, it worked for me....

You can also just carry a little splitter adapter with you, set your
connection prefs set to ignore dial tone and then have just a - as the
number to call. Have the Newt fired up, dial the calling card stuff on
your handset, when you hear carrier tell the MP to connect. Once they
start to sync, hang up the hotel phone (quietly). Just like using one of
the ATT laptop phones w/ a data jack, at the airport.

At least, for me...


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