[NTLK] More on Apple wont fix it!

From: Loren Finkelstein (Loren_at_Finkelstein.Net)
Date: Thu Nov 29 2001 - 13:16:59 EST

Here's another update on Apple's lack of support.

Now they are claiming that, not only is my Newton beyond economical repair,
but every single component is broken, and it is non-functional.

I admit that it was pretty banged up when I sent it in, but it absolutely
worked. I thought they would fix it (or replace it) even if it was
completely dead, so I had no reason to claim it was working before hand.

But it was.

And now it's not.

And they won't do a damn thing. They say that's how it was when they
received it and they take no responsibility!


I'd say that I would think twice before buying another Apple product, but
who am I kidding. I don't have that kind of will power. But I am pissed.

I would understand (reluctantly) if they couldn't fix it, but I can't
believe they are sending it back in worse condition than when I sent it in.


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