[NTLK] More PowerOn computing

From: Mark Rollins (mark_at_mrollins.com)
Date: Tue Nov 20 2001 - 11:55:18 EST

I couldn't resist (at my wife's rare urgings as to the number of kids we
have) and ordered another eMate from PowerON. I had bought one
originally for $99; there was some flack on our list that they raised
the price to $149 arbitrarily. I was politely asked what I paid
originally; when I said $99 it was explained that a "new batch" had come
in, at a higher price.

Ripoff or truth - You be the judge.

$99 eMate
 - pretty good condition, some tiny scuffs on case, one little bumper
missing from lid, nametag card holder in back gone, rental sticker on
bottom, tiny bit of (cleanable) paint residue on lid
 - screen in very good shape, very bright backlight
 - charger with global adapters
 - manuals

$149 eMate
 - mint - I mean MINT, as near as I can tell either used for a few
hours, or never used; even had the nametag holder form the back; almost
no scrapes on the metal latching mechanism
 - superb screen, absolutely dazzling backlight
 - charger with global adapters
 - original box and packaging
 - manuals and ALL literature
 - eMate CD-ROM
 - registration card


Mark Rollins, CIH, CSP mark_at_mrollins.com www.mrollins.com

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