Re: [NTLK] MS Pen tablets (wa: Oh wow... this is great!)

Date: Wed Nov 14 2001 - 04:28:19 EST

Remember Go!? This concept is older even than the Newton. I remember an IBM
pen tablet that was being sold into vertical healthcare markets, the glossy
showed a nurse using it to collect patient data at the bedside. The thing
weighed about 7lb, and we got a lot of laughs from the white knuckles of the
nurse's hand as she held the pose for the camera

IBM was broke at the time and couldn't afford to buy the Go! OS. AT&T bought
it, if IIRW, used the clever comms bits and threw away all the pen stuff.
Then MS lost interest in pen, and the whole market segment pretty much died
for a while. Newtons and the other pen PDAs (Zaurus, Magic Cap) were too
small for the kind of form filling that you can do on an A4 tablet.

You're all quite right about the hype, but I say welcome back, especially if
the situation has changed enough so that these devices can be sold into both
vertical and consumer markets. I was interviewed by a Market Researcher last
week tapping my info onto a Fujitsu with a 10" screen. That item has a list
price of nearly $5K. If the same machines can be used by commercial data
collectors and by internet users at home and can be sold at consumer prices
it could transform the pen computer scene.

Brian Tiplady

-----Original Message-----
From: David Orriss Jr []
Sent: 13 November 2001 19:47
Subject: [NTLK] Oh wow... this is great!

Hey guys! Check out the new tablet PC from Microsoft...!

You'll be able to do all of the things you can do with Windows XP pro AND
you'll be able to write with *your own handwriting* too! Walt 'I'm a
maroon' Mossberg thinks it's great and totally revolutionary!


Now, where have I heard of this idea before... hmph...

David Orriss Jr.

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