Re: [NTLK] Copy This! + coffee

From: Woo Lee (
Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 23:46:23 EST

quickie delete...

Entertainment has increased 'sales' almost every year, so has their ability
to 'mask' profits, i.e. 'expensive lunches', family members of board
members in 'token' positions.
Customers want what they want. Some buy original product, some buy blanks
to make copies. When blank tapes came out, sales of records increased,
same as CD's. It's not simple economics, customers are the hardest to
anticipate, you do what you can legally and just less than legal. If you
get caught you settle out of court because the world isn't perfect.

Since you are adding a tangent, which brew you drinkin'? I luv Kona(extra
fancy) from Hawaii.
>Another point, just because the tape/cd manufacturing co. have to charge
>this "TAX" DOES NOT increase their profits.

>After another cup o' Joe,


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