Robert Benschop wrote:
> Actually, this brings me to something I've been wondering about for a while,
> doesn't the problem of Newton synching come from the fact that it's too good
> a PDA, in other words, since no desktop app has the same (unique ?) soup
> structure, none will ever do a perfect job ?
I think you are correct and a main task of NCU is the transformation of the
soup structure to something which is suitable for desktop computer storage
and handling. However, it should be possible to write an application which
can handle soups as they are. An OOP language like Java should be a
straightforward tool and would e.g. allow to realize basic Newton
connectivity by means of a Java-applet, running from a Website within any
browser on any platform. The starting point would be a set of well
programmed objects in Jave which do connectivity and Newton-Object routing
to the desktop capabilities. Just dreaming of a web-based NCU...
BTW, I'm just learning Java in a crash course in our institute and found a
lot of analogies while reading "Programming for the Newton". Java is much
more than spinning coloured buttons on webpages.
-- With best regards / Viele GruesseMarco Mailand
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