Re: [NTLK] NCU Query

From: Chris Searles (
Date: Thu Nov 01 2001 - 07:56:24 EST

>In my experience, repeating anythings always sync bad, whatever program you
>are using. Even exporting repeating meetings from Now to Palm Desktop caused
>problems. I have learned to be very careful with repeating items, and
>repeating todos are a big no no

Hi Jon,

Thanks for your answer. Does it make a big difference IN WHAT DIRECTION
you sync the repeating meetings, i.e. if you enter them in Palm Desktop
first and synchronize with your Newton and then later delete such
meetings in Palm Desktop and synch again with your Newton, will the
Newton recognize the changes made better than when changing them in the
Newton first and then synching from the Newton to Palm Desktop?

Don't want to sound too hypothetical; just thought it couldn't hurt to
consider and ask about every possibility,


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