Re: [NTLK] So much for presumed obsolescence

From: THX 1138 (
Date: Sat Jul 28 2001 - 08:40:46 EDT

On 7/27/01, Paul Nuernberger quoth:

>I did say most !! Although this is verging to off-topic now, how did you
>manage to get them to pay for it ?

Call your newton a portable network diagnostic tool (very true) and
they didn't mind shelling out for the hub. Then a few pokes and prods
on my part, and we went DSL,and setup a company webpage, and then
being the de facto admin, I set up my current webpage in the spare
space. The less people understand, the more they want to help, it

ahhh, perks.

To pull this back on topic, I find a Newton to be a great node
testing and diagnostic tool just using NewtsCape and Thumb. Now if
only it could do SSL, and promiscuous mode, I could throw away my NT



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