Re: [NTLK] CF Card Tab...

From: Sushi (
Date: Mon Dec 31 2001 - 13:44:08 EST

>On 1/1/02 @ 3:29 AM, Ed Kummel wrote:
>Well, it's not really a "tab" as in a pronounced
>protrusion, but more like a raised edge that gives a
>fingernail purchase in order to pull out the CF card.
>You'll notice on the CF card, the top edge is smooth,
>while the bottom edge has a "lip" on it. Usually, the
>CF slot will have a depression that allows a thumbnail
>to grab the card for extraction. I've got a bunch of
>CF cards and they all have this feature.

Well that clears things up a bit. Thanks Ed.

I was thinking in terms of a protrusion that you could grab like I've
seen on other devices.

I see what you mean by the lip. Although, I would hate to rely on it to
get my card out. I definitely would prefer to use the eject button.

BTW, on my Canon IXY 200 digital camera, the lip is away from the door
opening -- as in the wrong side. So I can't use it. However, there is a
small gap between the edge part and the top where I can get my fingernail
in to pull the card out.


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