> Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 13:21:09 -0800
> Subject: [NTLK] (OT) Best way to secure PowerBook/iBook at home, etc.?
> From: Gary Zambrano <Gazam_at_mac.com>
> I'm wondering what the best way to secure an iBook or PowerBook at home o=
> at the office is?
> What products are best?
> What methods are best?
> Locks, drilling of tables for cables, screeching alarms, attaching live
> snakes, dogs...
I guess a hungry baboon works best, they always do.
Now, seriously, a portable computer is never secure, unless you bolt it to =
fixed table with steelclamps, making it not so portable anymore.
The best method to have something safe is to be there, and to take it with
If you have to worry about somebody braking into your place, see to the
whole place getting more secure, don't just secure single items.
At the office I'd suggest a steelwirecable and/or a locked drawer - if your
office is open to the public.
Usually, cables and screeching alarms are just signals, they tell other
folks that something is supposed to stay where it is, but they will never
scare somebody away who comes in with the intention to take something.
See to it that your computer is insured, and have regular backups you keep
apart from your computer, that's the best security you can get.
Oliver :)
-- Wenn ich irgendwo eingeladen bin und bei der Essenszubereitung wurden K=FCchenwerkzeuge benutzt, die nichts taugen, kann mir das zun=E4chst egal sein= . Wenn aber wegen des stumpfen Messers das Fleisch zerfasert und ich es deswegen trocken runterw=FCrgen mu=DF, dann st=F6rt's mich doch. - Diskussion =FCber den Nutzen von Standards in d.c.s.m.misc --- This is the Newtontalk mailinglist - http://www.newtontalk.net To unsubscribe or manage: visit the above link or mailto:newtontalk-request_at_newtontalk.net?Subject=unsubscribe
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